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Elevator traffic handling book is published

Johannes de Jong, M-L Siikonen and Anthony Wood
Johannes de Jong, M-L Siikonen and Anthony Wood

Upcoming event

Elevcon Conference will take place in Lisbon next year 2025, please see the link below

Hurry up to send your abstract now, the deadline is September 15, 2024

Hope to meet you in Lisbon!

People Flow in Buildings for sale


People Flow in Buildingshas been published in 2021. Traffic training is given based on the book.

The book delivers a comprehensive and insightful description of people flow, analysis with software-based tools. The book offers readers an up-to-date overview of mathematical optimization methods used in control systems and transportation planning methods used to manage vertical and horizontal transportation

Where you can get it

You can buy the book e.g. from the following WEB-pages

An electronic version of the book is already available in major bookstores on the internet. The hard-cover version will be publicly available on November 14, 2021.